We are dedicated to providing our patients with convenience and comfort to ensure they will be able to gain optimum satisfaction for their health and lives. Our staff members can help make it easier for you or your loved ones to comply with the right documents.

BB Angels has a highly efficient, multilingual intake team that can visit you at home or at a clinic/hospital prior to your release back home. Equipped with portable scanners, they can scan the required documents on the spot in order to start the intake and application process right away.

BB Angels services are completely free for Medicaid clients, under Medicaid’s long-term care/HCBS program). We can help you with the application process! And for those who do not qualify for Medicaid, we have very affordable private pay rates!

Relative Personal Care Services (Medicaid only): BB Angels services can under certain circumstances also be provided by a client’s relative, allowing them to be compensated for the care they provide to a loved one!

If you would like to learn more, please call 720-410-2728 or send us an email at info@bbahomehealth.com.